
domingo, 16 de septiembre de 2007


El ex campeón del mundo de rallies Colin McRae y su hijo de cinco años, Johnny, han fallecido en un accidente de helicóptero, en Lanarkshire, en el sur de Escocia, aunque los cadáveres de los cuatro ocupantes no han podido ser aún identificados.
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El helicóptero, que se estrelló y se incendió cerca de su domicilio por causas aún desconocidas , estaba pilotado por McRae, de 39 años, y en él también viajaban otras tres personas, una de ellas su hijo, un adulto y otro niño, según el agente del piloto escocés, Jean-Eric Freudiger.
McRae, de 39 años e hijo del cinco veces campeón del Rally británico Jimmy, se convirtió en 1995 en el primer británico en ganar el Campeonato del mundo de rallies pilotando un Subaru, en un mítico duelo con su compañero de equipo, Carlos Sainz.
En las dos ediciones seguientes, el piloto escocés acabó el mundial en segunda posición. En 1999 pasó a la escudería Ford con la que volvió a terminar segundo en el año 2001. Finalmente, McRae concluyó su participación en el Campeonato Mundial de Rallies en el 2003, a bordo de un Citröen, con el que no pudo pasar de una decepcionante séptima plaza.
McRae no llegó a retirarse oficialmente del mundo de las carreras, y siguió competiendo en eventos como el París Dakar, o Las 24 horas de Le Mans. Su fama en el mundo del automovilismo le llevó a tener su propio videojuego. La última versión (Colin McRae:Dirt) fue lanzada este verano.

viernes, 14 de septiembre de 2007

Kuala Lumpur City Guide - Business Etiquette

Business Etiquette
All business meetings, however informal, would be conducted at the office or in neutral venues such as restaurants. Business office hours are usually 0900-1700 Monday to Friday, although government departments tend to close earlier. Note that many businesses close down for a religious holiday on Fridays or at least avoid scheduling meetings for that day. Despite the high humidity levels, suit and tie is the norm for men and smart dress for women, although concessions are usually made for visiting foreign businesspeople unused to the tropical conditions. English is the main business language in Kuala Lumpur, with most businesspeople (at all levels and in companies of all sizes) at least competent in English. Any attempts to use a few Bahasa Malaysian conversational words are greatly appreciated and can break the ice quickly. One key aspect to remember is that it is considered inappropriate to use the left hand for handshakes or handing over documents, as this is traditionally used for cleaning after toilet use. Business cards are also an essential prerequisite to any business meeting, no matter how informal, and should be handed over with both hands. Malaysians are quite conservative when it comes to business and clients are not often invited home. As Malaysia is a Muslim country, many local businessmen and women will not drink alcohol during lunch or dinner meetings. However, it is acceptable for non-Muslims to do so, in moderation. It is also important for visitors to be careful when choosing gifts, as obvious things like spirit or wine are a definite non-starter and less obvious gifts like watches, associated with death by many ethnic Chinese, might also offend.

Todo al máximo. Desempeño de uso eficaz de energía. Potencia para multimedia.Por sus características de diseño, la innovadora familia de procesadores Intel® Core™2 Duo, basada en la revolucionaria microarquitectura Intel® Core™, proporciona un desempeño de uso eficaz de la energía para que pueda hacer más simultáneamente sin aminorar la velocidad.Con el procesador Intel® Core™2 Duo, disfrutará de un desempeño revolucionario, una increíble capacidad de respuesta del sistema y un inigualable consumo eficaz de energía. Y no tendrá que aminorar la velocidad al explorar la presencia de virus, ejecutar varios programas informáticos exigentes o descargar archivos de multimedia, ya que estos procesadores ofrecen hasta un 40% más de velocidad con un consumo más eficaz de energía¹. Se ha actualizado la tecnología móvil Intel® Centrino® Duo con el nuevo procesador Intel Core 2 Duo para equipos portátiles. Sus funciones avanzadas ofrecen el doble del desempeño² durante la ejecución de multitareas con un consumo más eficaz de energía que prolonga la duración de la batería para que pueda aprovechar una potente PC dual-core junto con todos los beneficios de la movilidad.+-->

Multimillonaria inversión de Intel para planta en China

DALIAN, China (AP) - Intel realizó el sábado la ceremonia del inicio oficial de obras de su primera fábrica de microprocesadores en China, expandiendo así su presencia en la industria de la computación de Beijing.
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Las instalaciones de 2.500 millones de dólares, una de las mayores inversiones que haya efectuado una compañía extranjera en China, serán la primera fábrica de láminas de silicio en Asia y la octava de Intel en todo el mundo. Abrirá sus puertas en el 2010 y empleará a unas 1.200 personas.
La nueva fábrica, llamada "Fab 68", producirá conjuntos de microprocesadores, que conectan a los chips con otros componentes de las computadoras.
Intel dijo que no equipó a la planta con la tecnología más avanzada debido a las restricciones que existen en Estados Unidos para exportar equipos de última generación.
A la ceremonia asistieron el director ejecutivo de Intel Craig Barrett, el vicepresidente de la principal agencia del gabinete chino y el alcalde de esta ciudad portuaria del noreste del país, un centro de la industria de software y computación.
"Sin dudas China es una economía en auge. Sentimos que era importante estar cerca de nuestros clientes", sostuvo Kirby Jefferson, gerente general de la planta de Dalian, en una entrevista previa a la ceremonia.
Intel, cuya sede está en California, sostiene que China es su segundo mercado más importante, después de Estados Unidos, y se espera que se convierta en el mercado de tecnología informática más grande del mundo antes del 2010.
La inversión extranjera en la industria de la computación y en otros sectores de alta tecnología está creciendo en China, mientras las empresas establecen fábricas y centros de investigación. Pero el gobierno comunista busca más inversiones y para atraerlas ofrece descuentos impositivos y otros alicientes.

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lunes, 10 de septiembre de 2007

The Cayman Island Banking

British Virgin Islands (BVI) is one of the oldest and most respected offshore financial centres in the world. BVI is widely considered as a benchmark, which the other offshore tax havens strive to emulate.Fidelity Corporate Services Ltd is a professional offshore incorporation services firm. We are located in the British Virgin Islands and we specialize in BVI Business Companies - probably the worlds' most popular type of offshore company.We are a source provider, not an intermediary. For our clients, that translates into expert service, competitive fees and quick turnaround time.
Our firm is licensed by the British Virgin Islands Financial Services Commission under the BVI Banks and Trust Companies Act 1990, Licence No GTL 14006/06. As such, we are regulated and supervised by the FSC in regards the quality of our incorporation and company management services, the competence of our staff and the safeguarding of client interests. Along these lines, we are subject to substantial capital adequacy requirements and carry professional indemnity insurance.Our services include offshore company formation in British Virgin Islands and subsequent management and administration of such companies, including
services of the Registered Agent, provision of the registered address, third-party directorship and company management services, shareholders, services, virtual office and secretarial services, bank account introductions, custody of documents and corporate searches, preparation of corporate and business documentation and general administration.Our clients are private entrepreneurs as well as professional intermediaries such as tax consultants, financial advisors, accountants and lawyers. Our client base is purely global, reflecting on the worldwide popularity and recognition of BVI as an offshore tax haven.Being part of the Fidelity Overseas group, with affiliate offices in several other offshore centres, we provide our clients with local expertise in conjunction with a global perspective, supported by more than 10 years experience in the offshore financial services business.We welcome You to browse through our site, which we have tried to make as informative and functional as possible.Please feel free to contact us if You need any further information about BVI offshore companies and services - we will be delighted to write or speak to You!

The Cayman Island

The Cayman Islands – often (but never by locals) referred to as "the Caymans", "Caymen Islands", or just "Cayman" – were first sighted by Christopher Columbus on May 10, 1503 during his fourth and final voyage to the New World. He spotted Cayman Brac and Little Cayman and named them Las Tortugas after the numerous sea turtles in the waters. The first recorded visitor to the islands was Sir Francis Drake, who landed in 1586 and named the islands the Cayman Islands after the Neo-Taino nation's term (caiman) for crocodile (Zayas, 1914).
The first recorded permanent inhabitant of the Cayman Islands, Isaac Bodden, was born on Grand Cayman around 1700. He was the grandson of the original settler named Bodden who was probably one of Oliver Cromwell's soldiers at the taking of Jamaica in 1655.
The islands, along with nearby Jamaica, were captured by the Spanish, and then ceded to England in 1670 under the Treaty of Madrid. They were governed as a single colony until 1962 when the Cayman Islands became a British Overseas Territory and Jamaica became an independent commonwealth realm.
Grand Cayman was hit by Hurricane Ivan on September 11 - 12, 2004, which destroyed many buildings and damaged 90% of the island's homes. Power, water and communications were all disrupted as Ivan was the worst hurricane to hit the islands in 86 years. However, Grand Cayman promptly engaged in a major rebuilding process, and within two years its infrastructure had nearly returned to pre-Ivan levels. The Cayman Islands currently enjoy the highest standard of living in the Caribbean aided by thriving tourism and banking industries ... more Cayman Islands history...
Culture: Demographics & Statistics
The latest population estimate of the Cayman Islands is about 51,992, from spring 2006, representing a mix of more than 100 nationalities. Out of that number, about half are of Caymanian descent. Caymanians are about 60% mixed race (mostly African-European). Of the remaining 40%, about half are of European descent and half are of African descent. The islands are almost exclusively Christian. The vast majority of the population resides on Grand Cayman. Cayman Brac is the second most populated island with about 2,000 residents, followed by Little Cayman with around 200 permanent residents. The capital and major city of the Cayman Islands is George Town, which is located on the southwest coast of Grand Cayman.
The economy of the Cayman Islands was once centered on the turtling trade. However, this industry began to disappear in the twentieth century and tourism and financial services became the economic mainstays during the 1970s. The United States is the Cayman Islands ' largest trading partner. With an average income of around $42,000, Caymanians enjoy the highest standard of living in the Caribbean . According to the CIA World Fact book , the Cayman Islands GDP per capita is the 8th highest in the world.
Tourism accounts for 70-75% of the annual GDP of the Cayman Islands. Of the millions of tourists that visit the islands annually, 99% visit Grand Cayman. George Town also serves as a major cruise ship port, welcoming 4,000 to 22,000 tourists a day, five days a week, depending on the number of ships in port.
One of Grand Cayman's main attractions is the world-famous Seven Mile Beach on which a number of the island's hotels, resorts and condominiums are located. Seven Mile Beach is regarded by many as one of the best beaches in the world. Historical sites in Grand Cayman such as Pedro St. James National Historical Site, a restored Caribbean ‘Great House'; Bodden Town's Mission House; and the Mastic Trail between the north and south coasts; give visitors an idea of what island life was like 100-150 years ago. The 'Sister Islands' of Little Cayman and Cayman Brac supply their own unique charm -- a more relaxed pace, no crowds, and a little bit of the “islands time forgot” feeling.
The Cayman Islands is regarded as one of the world's best SCUBA diving destinations because of its crystal-clear waters and accessible wall dives. Little Cayman is frequently chosen as a favorite dive destination. Divers can find two shipwrecks off the shores of Cayman Brac, including the MV Keith Tibbetts. The popular Stingray City, in Grand Cayman, gives snorklers a thrill by allowing them to swim with and feed relatively docile Southern Stingrays.
Other Grand Cayman tourism attractions include the ironshore landscape of Hell; the 24-acre marine theme park Boatswain's Beach, also home of the Cayman Turtle Farm; and the annual Pirates Week Festival. On Cayman Brac, nature trails, rock climbing, and exploring the Bluff's caves draw many enthusiasts. Little Cayman's aboundant wildlife attracts fishermen and nature lovers, especially bird watchers in search of the island's Red-footed Booby population and the endangered West Indian Whistling Duck.
Financial Services & Banking
The Cayman Islands is widely recognized to be one of the world's leading offshore financial services centres.
The Cayman Islands financial services industry encompasses banking, mutual funds, captive insurance, vessel and aircraft registration, companies and partnerships incorporation, trusts, structured finance and the Cayman Islands Stock Exchange. As of December 2005, just over 70,000 companies were incorporated on the Cayman Islands including 430 banks and trust companies, 720 captive insurance firms and more than 7,000 funds.
A recent report released by the International Monetary Fund (IMF) assessing supervision and regulation in the Cayman Islands' banking, insurance and securities industries, as well as its anti-money laundering regime, recognized the jurisdiction's comprehensive regulatory and compliance frameworks. "An extensive program of legislative, rules and guideline development has introduced an increasingly effective system of regulation, both formalizing earlier practices and introducing enhanced procedures," noted IMF assessors. The report further stated that "the supervisory system benefits from a well-developed banking infrastructure with an internationally experienced and qualified workforce as well as experienced lawyers, accountants and auditors," adding that, "the overall compliance culture within Cayman is very strong, including the compliance culture related to AML ( anti-money laundering ) obligations...". The Cayman Islands had previously (briefly) appeared on the FATF Blacklist in 2000, although its listing was thought to be harsh, and was criticized at the time.
The Cayman Islands is currently a British overseas territory, listed by the UN Special Committee of twenty-four as one of the last non-self governing territories. A fifteen-seat Legislative Assembly is elected by the people every four years to handle domestic affairs. Of the elected Members of the Legislative Assembly (MLAs), five are chosen to serve as government ministers in a cabinet headed by the governor. The head of the elected government is the Leader of Government Business, which is currently The Honourable Kurt Tibbetts.
A Governor is appointed by the British government to represent the monarch. The governor can exercise complete executive authority if he/she wishes through blanket powers reserved to him/her in the constitution. He/she must give royal assent to all legislation, which allows him/her the power to strike down any law the legislature may see fit for the country. In modern times, the governor usually allows the country to be run by the cabinet, which is made up of the five elected ministers and three high ranking civil servants: the Chief Secretary, the Attorney General, and the Financial Secretary. The civil service is managed by the Chief Secretary, who is the Acting Governor when the Governor is not able to discharge his usual duties for one reason or another. The current governor of the Cayman Islands is His Excellency the Governor Stuart Jack, CVO, and the current Chief Secretary is The Honourable George McCarthy, OBE, JP.

The best Cell Phones

Best multimedia phoneLG LX5550 (Fusic) with video It's no coincidence that Sprint's LG LX5550 somewhat resembles an iPod. Beyond making calls, the LX550 boasts solid music capabilities, including the first FM transmitter in a cell phone. The remaining feature offerings are plentiful; you'll find Bluetooth, a 1.3-megapixel camera, 3G support for streaming video, and an expandable memory slot--all in an appealing, compact design. And it makes good calls, too.
Read Sony Ericsson W810i review Check prices

Best Bluetooth headsetPlantronics Discovery Bluetooth headsetwith video Keeping the road warrior and the commuter in mind, the Plantronics Discovery 640 is a quality Bluetooth headset with satisfying performance and innovative charging options. In fact, we liked the Discovery 640 so much that it won our Editors' Choice award.
Read Plantronics Discovery Bluetooth headset review Check prices

Best 3G phoneSamsung MM-A900 with video It's a no-brainer that other manufacturers would scramble to mimic the popular slim design of the Razr, and with its MM-A900, Samsung is the first to offer a reproduction. Offered only by Sprint, the Samsung MM-A900 equals the Razr's thin profile but raises the bar with a couple of refinements and some extra features not found on the Motorola handset, including a 1.3-megapixel camera with a swiveling lens and a flash, an MP3 player, and support for Sprint's new 3G network.
Read Samsung MM-A900 review Check prices

Best midrange phoneNokia 6102 with video Though the fanciest cell phones tend to get all the glory, many cell phone users are satisfied with a simple handset for making calls, with a couple of extra features. For your consideration, we offer up the Nokia 6102 for Cingular. Nokia's most successful implementation of the flip phone, the dependable 6102 offers a solid set of midrange features in an attractive, compact design.
Read Nokia 6102 review Check prices

Sexiest phoneMotorola Pebl U6 with video Sporting a sophisticated and very soothing design, the Motorola Pebl U6 for T-Mobile is so striking that it deserves to be named as one of the most attractive cell phones ever made. Under the hood, it comes with a decent range of features, though we were hoping for a higher-resolution camera. As with all of Motorola's design-centric phones, we weren't impressed with the controls, but the Pebl nonetheless is a looker and a solid performer.
Read Motorola Pebl U6 review Check prices

Best camera phoneNokia N80 with videoA quick scan of the N80's features list shows a focus on imagery, as the phone boasts a sharp 3-megapixel camera, a second VGA camera, and image-editing apps. Though it's probably one of the most robust camera phones we've seen to date, it's not all about pictures. The quad-band N80 is a Symbian smart phone and yes, it makes good calls.
Read Nokia N80 review Check prices

Best world phoneSony Ericsson W600i with video Overall, the Sony Ericsson W600i is a well-designed, feature-rich, and high-functioning mobile that solidly incorporates multimedia features into the phone's form factor. World phone support keeps you in touch when you're abroad, the camera will help you remember the sights, and the MP3 player will entertain you on long plane rides.
Read Sony Ericsson W600i review Check prices

Best basic phoneKyocera KX444 with video Based loosely on the company's previous candy bar designs, the CDMA- and analog-roaming-equipped KX444 for Verizon offers several improvements, including rubberized edges and a speakerphone. Above all, we're talking basics here, as the screen is nothing fancy, and the overall feature set is meager. That said, this sturdy, affordable phone could find a welcome home on the belt of anyone who craves push-to-talk services for voice calls.
Read Kyocera KX444 review Check prices

Best smart phonePalm Treo 700p with video Following in the footsteps of its older sibling, the Palm Treo 700p picks up where the Treo 650 left off and adds a host of features to make this top-notch smart phone even better. Improvements include EV-DO support, a 1.3-megapixel camera, dial-up networking capabilities, and increased memory. Of course, all isn't perfect (still no Wi-Fi), but the Treo's winning combination of form factor and performance is hard to beat.
Read Palm Treo 700p review Check prices

Most-improved phoneLG VX8300 The LG VX8300, the company's third EV-DO cell phone for Verizon Wireless, aims to improve on some of the drawbacks that saddled the previous VX8100. And for the most part, it succeeds. Packaged in a similar design and offering a comparable range of high-end features as its predecessor, the LG VX8300 provides improved functionality and slightly better performance. As is typical with Verizon, features such as Bluetooth are limited in scope, though we were glad to s
Oil and petrol jump on storm fear

A hurricane can have a devastating effect on oil production Oil and petrol prices have jumped on fears that Hurricane Rita may damage US refineries in the Gulf of Mexico.
Companies are still fixing damage from Hurricane Katrina, which hit last month, and a shortage of refining capacity has already pushed up prices.
Crude oil closed 0.9% higher at $66.80 a barrel in New York. Gasoline futures surged almost 4% to $2.0531.
The gains came despite Tuesday's decision by oil cartel Opec to increase output by two million barrels a day.
Opec decision
Hurricane Rita hit the low-lying Florida Keys island chain late on Tuesday, then gathered strength as it started approaching the main US production facilities in the Gulf of Mexico.
Prices are going to be driven directly by the projected path of the storm
John Kilduff, an analyst at Fimat USA
Opec to raise production
Rita's path suggests it will then turn towards Texas, home to about a quarter of US oil refinery capacity. It is expected to arrive on Saturday.
Four refineries hit by Katrina are still out of action and oil traders are concerned about how Rita could further affect capacity.
"Prices are going to be driven directly by the projected path of the storm," said John Kilduff, an analyst at Fimat USA.
On Tuesday, the oil producers cartel Opec agreed to offer all of its two million barrels per day of spare capacity to customers for three months from 1 October.
But the effects of the Opec decision were short-lived.
Staff protected
Energy firms have been evacuating hundreds of workers as Hurricane Rita headed to the Gulf of Mexico after pounding Florida and Cuba.
Shell, BP, Chevron, Apache, Anadarko, Exxon Mobil, Valero and ConocoPhilips all said they had taken steps to protect staff.
The US Minerals Management Service said that more than 70% of oil production in the Gulf had been shut down because of Rita.
According to the Service almost half of the manned offshore platforms and oil rigs in the Gulf had been evacuated.
Bill Greehey, chairman of oil company Valero, called Hurricane Rita the type of national disaster that could push oil and gasoline prices much higher.
05/09/2007El RallyRACC colabora en un estudio sobre el impacto socioeconómico mundial del WRC
Dani Sordo (Citroën). RallyRACC Catalunya-COSTA DAURADA 06
Un grupo de trabajo de la FIA, con el concurso de algunas de las más importantes universidades de todo el mundo, está trabajando en un gran proyecto de investigación que analizará el impacto socioeconómico del Campeonato del Mundo de Rallies (WRC). Esta iniciativa, que tomará los datos de las pruebas puntuables de cinco países, se realizará bajo el respaldo de diversos centros de investigación deportiva.
El proyecto involucrará a cinco universidades y cubrirá las carreras del WRC 2007 de Finlandia, Alemania, Nueva Zelanda, España e Irlanda. La institución coordinadora del proyecto es la Universidad del Ulster (Irlanda del Norte), que trabaja conjuntamente con las universidades de Jyväskylä (Finlandia), Autónoma de Madrid, Tecnológica de Auckland (Nueva Zelanda) y de Zweibrücken (Alemania). Morrie Chandler, presidente de la Comisión de Rallies de la FIA, afirma que “tenemos clara la importancia que para este estudio tiene el trabajar con una información correctamente buscada, motivo por el cual el promotor u organizador de los eventos de cada uno de estos países va a trabajar conjuntamente con las universidades que se ocuparán de la investigación local para darles su imprescindible punto de vista. La intención es que, a lo largo del próximo año, esta investigación se extienda a más carreras para obtener un perfil del impacto internacional del WRC lo más amplio posible”.
Aman Barfull, director del Área Deportiva del RACC y miembro del Grupo de Trabajo Visión 2012 incluido en la Comisión WRC de la FIA, es consciente de la importancia que tiene para cada organizador, pero también para los patrocinadores y marcas involucradas en el WRC, saber de primera mano y de un modo profesional qué es lo que la actividad en la que están participando aporta a nivel socioeconómico a las zonas donde se disputa: “Desde RACC Motor Sport, y para determinar el impacto directo e indirecto del RallyRACC en la economía de la demarcación de Tarragona, llevamos tres años consecutivos trabajando en este sentido. En la última edición disputada (2006) elaboramos un informe a través de una consultora que captó in situ las opiniones de espectadores, marcas, equipos y medios de comunicación, y que contactó con propietarios de alojamientos, prestadores de servicios así como responsables de restaurantes y cafeterías de Tarragona”. Los datos recabados por el RACC en estos tres últimos años serán de gran valor para el estudio que la FIA está desarrollando.
El Dr. David Hassan, del Instituto de Investigación de Deportes y Ejercicios (SERSI) de la Universidad del Ulster, comenta: “En un mercado deportivo en expansión es inevitable que todos los deportes tengan que esbozar su valor a los patrocinadores, al público y a los medios de comunicación”. Esta investigación, que se inició en la novena prueba del WRC 2007 (Rally de Finlandia), concluirá el 16 de noviembre en el Rally de Irlanda. Los resultados de esta primera fase de la investigación serán presentados a la Comisión del Rallies de la FIA en enero de 2008.

miércoles, 5 de septiembre de 2007

Offener Schlagabtausch beim elften Lauf der Rallye-Weltmeisterschaft in Neuseeland: Marcus Grönholm und Sébastien Loeb kämpften bis zum letzten Meter um den Sieg. Mit einem historisch knappen Vorsprung von 0,3 Sekunden hatte der Finne das bessere Ende für sich.

Von der ersten Wertungsprüfung an war klar, dass der Sieg bei der Rallye Neuseeland nur über Ford-Pilot Marcus Grönholm und Citroën-Mann Sébastien Loeb gehen würde. Die beiden Superstars schenkten sich auf den 18 Prüfungen nichts. Den größten Vorsprung hatte Grönholm nach der siebten Prüfung mit 14,9 Sekunden.

Von den fünf Prüfungen der ersten Neuseeland-Etappe gewannen Loeb und Grönholm jeweils zwei, einmal trug sich Subaru-Pilot Chris Atkinson in die Siegerliste ein. Nach dem ersten Tag lag Grönholm 13 Sekunden vor dem französischen Titelverteidiger.

Am zweiten Tag legte Sébastien Loeb richtig los. Der dreimalige Weltmeister holte sich vier von sechs Bestzeiten und ging bei der letzten Prüfung der Etappe mit 1,7 Sekunden vor Grönholm in Führung.

Dieser Vorsprung war aber schon nach der ersten Prüfung der Abschlussetappe aufgebraucht. Mit einer Bestzeit eroberte Grönholm die Spitze zurück. Loeb konterte prompt: Zwei Bestzeiten bedeuteten die erneute Führung mit drei Sekunden Vorsprung. Aber Grönholm steckte nicht auf und markierte seinerseits drei WP-Siege am Stück und setzte sich selbst wieder an die Spitze – mit 0,7 Sekunden Luft auf Loeb, der sich für den Schlussspurt zu harte Reifen hatte aufziehen lassen.

Die abschließende Super Special über drei Kilometer brachte die Entscheidung. Loeb war Schnellster, konnte Grönholm aber nur 0,4 Sekunden abnehmen, der sich so über den fünften Neuseelandsieg seiner Karriere freute. Kein anderer Fahrer ist bei der Schotterrallye erfolgreicher. "Das war das packendste Duell meiner Karriere und ein ganz wichtiger Schritt im Titelkampf", so Grönholm nach seinem 30. WM-Triumph.

Kaum weniger spannend als das Spitzenduell war der Kampf um Rang vier hinter dem ungefährdeten Dritten Mikko Hirvonen (Ford). Drei Tage lang rangelten sich Subaru-Pilot Chris Atkinson und Jari-Matti Latvala im Stobart-Ford auf den feucht-rutschigen Schotterpisten um diese Position. Zunächst lag Atkinson vorn, am Ende der Zweiten Etappe hatte sich aber Latvala mit 10,5 Sekunden Vorsprung durchgesetzt. Am Abschlusstag war dann wieder Atkinson der schnellere. Die Entscheidung fiel auf der 30 Kilometer langen vorletzten Prüfung. Latvala wollte zu viel, zwang seinen Ford ins Untersteuern, so büßte er sieben Sekunden ein – und damit Rang vier.

Sechster wurde Dani Sordo im zweiten Werks-Citroën vor dem ständig an seinem Subaru mäkelnden Petter Solberg. Den letzen WM-Zähler sicherte sich Urmo Aava, der damit nach Finnland auch bei seinem zweiten WM-Einsatz im Mitsubishi WRC in die Punkte fuhr.

Manfred Stohl musste sich nach seinem Unfall auf der ersten Etappe mit Gesamtrang zwölf begnügen.

Mit seinem Sieg hat Marcus Grönholm die Führung in der Fahrerwertung um zwei Punkte ausgebaut, hat jetzt 90 Zähler auf seinem Konto. Loeb ist bei noch fünf ausstehenden Rallyes mit 80 Punkten weiterhin Zweiter, Mikko Hirvonen Dritter (69 Punkte).

In der WM der Produktionswagen-Piloten machte Toshi Arai einen großen Sprung Richtung Titel. Der Subaru-Pilot siegte in Neuseeland vor seinen Markenkollegen Niall McShea und Richard Mason.